These are the news contained in the label “what-is-a-security-eng”

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Real Estate Tokenization Estimated Growth

Real estate tokenization is revolutionizing the way properties are owned and invested in. This innovative approach employs the concept of fractional ownership, which means that a property can be divided into smaller, more affordable...
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Security Token Offerings Are Revolutionizing Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding emerged years ago as a popular alternative to traditional methods of raising capital, allowing companies to secure funding from a wide base of investors. More recently, the growing relevance of equity crowdfunding...
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Understanding what Securities are

The term "security" is of increasing interest in financial circles, even though we are not referring to cybersecurity. In simple terms, a security in the European Union (EU) is a financial instrument that represents an ownership...
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Features of Security Tokens

A security token is the digital representation of a real-world asset – such as shares in a company, a bond or a house. By tokenized we means it is issued on a blockchain and represents ownership, a share in the profits, shareholder rights and...

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